Revised 2023


240 pages. paperback only

This book is currently only available from Kinnebrew Studios

Note: copies ordered from Kinnebrew Studios are signed by the author.

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About this book

As in most of my writing, there is a message. Words, ideas, alternatives, how we view ideas and things around us. It has been a lovely journey creating a story filling in gaps of the more common bullet pointed subjects related to my beliefs. Playing “what if” and creating a world in which it fictionally happened is, after all, what makes for a good story.

Not all interesting or compelling tales have to be about conflict or violence. Such novels entertain me, but I am not entertained by one-dimensional fictions where minor changes and all or most are more or less predictable. There are sundry alternatives to how change is achieved in The Yerkes Project. It is the characters who do this and importantly, in this book, it is the way people think or more accurately could if they or we wished to.

From the beginning, the principal characters got it right and because of this those around them and beyond changed too. Thus, this next dimension, and I hope greater depth in the story. There are disappointments, struggles and sadness in everyone’s life but this is not a story that focuses exclusively on those aspects of life, instead it is about what might happen if things generally went well or even better than that.



When a man would trade his $3,500,000 home for one worth, $78,000, they thought he was crazy.  They decided he was delusional when he told others he could help them to see and hear what was actually there, but they had not.  When all this and more happened, they called him a dreamer and a prophet.

Peter Alexandrine did all these things and more.



Use these links to view individual books


little boys, big dreams & the hobo wars

The Orchard

Vengeance is Mine

The Yerkes Project





Tick Tock Tick


To Die For

Before the Sun


Art Books

Digital Collage

Kinnebrew Retrospective Catalogue



1     2012

Peter Joseph Alexandrine stood alone looking out the window of his home office.  He gazed across Geneva Lake in Wisconsin and contemplated the idea and invitation he would extend to two particularly special friends. In his mind, he had gone over this many times and it was now time to talk to them and explain his plan. They were close by at the far western end of the long lake, Yerkes, the birthplace of astrophysics where the Topological Foundation was now headquartered, it continued to be an important astronomy facility, but Peter’s vision had vastly expanded the original mission first outlined over one hundred years before.

Sometime ago, Bonnie Brae, this majestic old home in which he now stood had been a gift from Peter to his wife, Ann. If his two friends agreed tonight it would be meticulously cared for and the proud historical traditions of this house would continue. Its notoriety only faltered once, and then in the hands its most recent owner, a woman now imprisoned for fraud and other despicable crimes. Even her evil acts could not erase the grand traditions of this house. This made his impending departure, with only his memories, somewhat easier. Peter was very precise and selective about what he chose to look back on. In nearly every aspect of his life he was a man committed to the future but living very much in the present.

Yesterday, Peter celebrated his 58th birthday. It had been a grand affair but for some time only he had known the greater significance of it. Tonight, that would change; he had kept his plans a carefully guarded secret. Very soon, he would reveal his intentions to a few but first to his dinner guests this evening. He would ask if his plan was agreeable to them? Next, he would tell his best friend Michael, his wife Betsy and then Peter’s assistant Barry. Finally, he would tell the Directors of The Topology Foundation and eventually the final announcement to all on an occasion that many would remember for years to come.

Peter Alexandrine was 58 + 1 day today and now embarked on what he had come to believe was his ultimate destiny. This is what he would do with the rest of his life.


The phone in the Directors Office at Yerkes only rang once before it was answered.

Peter, having placed the call, leaned back and said, “Good morning, Kevin I’ve something urgent that you, Azalaïs, and I should discuss.”

“Certainly Peter, what is it? Great party last night incidentally, thanks.”

“If you’ve recovered from the birthday festivities, I think it best we discuss this here at the house. Could the both of you come for dinner, tonight? I assumed you have recovered.”

Used to Peter’s arcane ways, Kevin simply asked if there was anything he should bring. He knew it would never be food or drink, but it might well have been files from Yerkes.

“Just yourselves, thanks. Oh, and Kevin, I think we will be going late, it may get complicated. Meat or fish for dinner?”

“Fish, thanks, Peter, and I am sure Azalaïs will want the same. We’ll see you, say 6:30. Would that be convenient?”

“6:30 or thereabouts it is, Kevin, I’m sure Azalaïs will be pleased.” He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

Yesterday, below on the lawn stretching to the lake one hundred and fifty guests gathered to pay homage to the great man. Truth be told, many he didn’t even recognize, nor actually did he care about them. He had been preoccupied with other matters. Without his late wife Ann, Peter had lost interest in most of the artifacts of his life and turned to a new dream of the future. In his brief periods of sleep, it repeated itself often. When he awoke, he was usually tired and painfully aware that he no longer had the same energy of his youth, but he was getting better now. The fatigue, brought on by deep depression, slowly diminished over the past two years.  He renewed his commitment to life. After many years of audacious vision and dedicated work, many of his imaginings became quite real. Now another would begin, one of a very different kind.

Joseph Kinnebrew